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The Maiorino's & Family — Minted

The Maiorino's



Our Family

Our Story

Kate & Eric met while completing their residency at Temple University Hospital in Philadelphia. All those hours spent in the hospital together helped them get to know each other, but truthfully Eric said it best when he proposed to Kate at 30,000 ft on an airplane overhead announcement.

"Two of our lucky passengers are about to begin the journey of a lifetime. These two met several years ago at work and after each ditched some unnecessary baggage, they have been after each other ever since. She is smart, beautiful, and passionate. He, he’s alright I guess. He tends to make terrible “dad” jokes and has the worst sense of time. He counts running late as his exercise for the day. Come to think of it, I’m not really sure why she likes this poor fool who tends to drive her crazy at every moment… and snores to boot. It must be because he loves her with all of his heart and has been waiting a long time to ask her a very important question…."